Conservation Edition Enlarged Bat Skull Replicas
Conservation Edition Enlarged Bat Skull Replicas
The sale of bats to bone and oddities collectors can have a serious impact on wild bat populations, but replicas are usually priced much higher than the real thing, so for the collector it's often more economical to purchase a real bat. This series of enlarged bat skull replicas is my own answer to that problem, offering bat enthusiasts and bone collectors a great anatomical specimen priced low enough to be competitive with the prices charged for real bats and bat parts. I call these the "conservation edition" because my goal is to help preserve bat populations by offering collectors an affordable alternative to the real thing.
These skulls are not in a relative size to one another; they're each a fixed size of approximately 100mm (3.9") long in the cranium. That means some are larger than others, just depending on the skull shape, but they're all essentially the same length.
Please note that anatomically accurate replicas at this size may have very thin parts, and will need to be handled carefully. During processing some may develop hairline cracks or other small forms of damage, and come out just a little flawed, just like a very delicate real bat skull might. You probably won't notice, but I do! Please rest assured that I'm extremely picky about what replicas I consider suitable to be sent to you. Some species come out sturdier than others; if you have concerns about the delicacy of the items, the most robust specimen by far is the Common Vampire Bat.
Imperfect specimens are skulls with what I deem to be too large or too many faults. These aren't in any way seriously broken, and it will still take a fairly close look to spot their problem areas; they typically have too many or too large cracks, or may have a small hole or two. These will still look great on your shelf, and are a wonderful option for making your own faux taxidermy art piece by framing or doming the skull with other display items. Because stock varies widely (depending on how many things I've broken lately) you'll receive a randomly selected species.
Prefer a much larger specimen? Check out my collection of unsettlingly large bat skulls!
Care Instructions
Care Instructions
Resin will yellow when exposed even briefly to UV or sunlight; do not place your skull in a sunny location or near grow lights. Click here for more information on 3D print care and tips on painting.